Sunday, October 23, 2011


Neuro STICU Day #2

            I woke up around 4:45 and I was worried about him, so I used the phone in my room to call the nurses station.  They said he had had a lot of pain during the night, but was not doing a very good job of pushing the button and letting them know.  The nurse said that whenever she saw him tossing and turning she would go in and ask him if he needed medicine.  She was frustrated with himtrying to be a tough guy.  I explained to her that he wasn’t just trying to avoid help–he’s just a “non-complainer.”  I know that in the past he’s had a sore knee or finger or something for three weeks before he says anything–his philosophy is usually “don’t complain if there is nothing you can do about it,” which he always used against me since I am a constant complainer.
            Anyway, she told me he was going for his 3rd CT scan soon, and that if I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss the doctor, I should probably be there around 6 a.m.  So, I decided to get dressed and head over there right away.
            When I arrived, he confirmed that he hadn’t slept well.  He also told me that the had gone for a CT scan, and he had eaten some toast–so far he had kept it down.  I went out to sit with My mother-in-law and wait for a doctor to read the scan.  I took a nap in a chair.  The doctors made their rounds between 7 and 9:30, so I expected to be called back during that time, but I wasn’t.  As soon as 9:30 hut and visitors were allowed back, I went and checked him.  He was awake and talking some more.  He said that the doctor didn’t comment much on his CT scan, but ordered an MRI, for a 3D view.  If that looked good, they would send him out of ICU and on to a regular room.  I was comforted by this move because I knew it meant he was doing better, but I was also worried that he wouldn’t have as much attention in a regular room.
            When I went to report to My mother-in-law, Heidi and Randy, Jewel and Brad, and Mater had arrived.  I gave them a report, we chatted, and then we decided to go to the cafeteria for lunch.  Heidi went with me to tell JohnDeere we were going downstairs.  His lunch was waiting for him, so I helped him cut his steak–he had kept down his toast from breakfast, and I was hoping these few bites of steak would be ok.
            After lunch we waited for a room to become available.  Jewel and Heidi visited him, then I went in as he stood up (for the first time), was lowered into his wheelchair, and we all paraded with him to the fifth floor continuing care unit.  I went with him as he was settled into room 1524–Bed #2..

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