Monday, October 3, 2011

Our little corner of the world

 I am not as devoted as Prairie Mother when it comes to posting--especially not devoted enough to post a weekly Sunday devotion, but I do want to talk about how much my church family means to me.  As a child I attended church regularly until my step-dad was upset by the church taking a female pastor.  After that we didn't go back as a family.  I went sporadically as a high school student with my friends, but never had a home church until 6 years ago. 
 When John Deere and I started dating, he took me to church--the church that his parents and grandparents have attended for years.  I loved it and have since been baptized there.  But, our church is very unique.  First of all, we only have two children-- I am the only woman at my church who is not a mother, and only one of two who is not a grandmother.  Even though we do not have any chronologically young, we are young at heart!  Our Sunday school class is currently working through a series of books aimed at teenagers and loving every minute of it!  Yesterday we covered only 1/2 of a lesson on dating!
 Pictured above is our former pastor.  He is the sweetest man--and his tell-it-like-it-is personality is priceless.  I could say that about most of our members.  I have never been part of such a "church family"-- actually in the past when people referred to their "church family" I thought it was kind of bogus--in my experience as a youth the congregation was just a bunch of people who sat near one another to listen to a sermon--this place is very different.
With such an elderly congregation--with few new members, I worry about the future of our church. But, while we are together, I will enjoy everyone of them and thank God for my church family!

1 comment:

  1. I cried at this post. I miss our church so really is a church family. of all the churches I've ever attended I've never felt at home the way I felt at PUM. I'm very happy that we'll be able to attend at Thanksgiving!!! I miss them all and worry about the future of the church too.

    You may not post as often as I do but your posts are much better written than mine!!
