Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Us!

This page is not finished. I want to put some song lyrics from our first dance here, but I don't want to crowd the pictures. Any suggestions?
This page is not finished.  I want to add song lyrics without making it look crowded--any suggestions?
Yesterday was my husband (his sister referred to him as John Deere, so I will do the same) and my 3rd anniversary.  I am the luckiest woman ever because my husband can do anything-- I love him more now than the day I met him (of course that was sometime back in junior high and I don't really remember him from then, so that's not saying much, but i digress)!  The real reason I mention my anniversary is because of scrapbooking.  I love to scrapbook book almost as much as I love my husband, but I have spent so much time working on books for others (wedding gifts, my sisters' graduation, etc) that I had not had time to complete my wedding scrapbook.  I set a goal this summer to have it done by our third anniversary and I did! 
This is one of my favorite pages. The photos are matted on glittery, fabric-like paper, an the lower right picture of me hugging my sister is really cute!

This is the quote we tied to the balloons.  A woman even found one of our balloons in her fence a few hours away. She wrote sending us her best wishes.  I want to include her note, but I can't find it. :(

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love the look of this scrapbook. I think you could fit in a few lyrics and it wouldn't look crowded. As long as they aren't too big. Can't wait to read more of you!!! Miss you
