Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Well, here it goes!

I have decided to blog as a way to record the happenings of my life.  My sister-in-law uses this site as a way to share pictures and stories with family and friends far away, so I thought I would give it a try.  I seem to add new hobbies when I am really too busy for them, so we will see how diligently I post, but some is better than none.

I intend to upload some pictures soon and tell more about myslef, but I have had a busy day: I refinanced my mortgage; went shopping with my baby sister, Chellie, for college supplies; submitted an assignment for my Master's degree; and now I have to get ready to go out for an anniversary dinner with my husband (3 years already).  School starts on Thursday (in-service--students come Friday), so I will post ASAP.

Hello blogging world--are you ready for this?

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